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The Francis Frith Collection - Archive of Historical Photos

Nostalgic Local Photos of Britain Printed as Wallpaper

The Francis Frith Collection is a unique, world-class photo archive of over 300,000 historical photos of almost every city, town and village in Great Britain from 1860 to 1970. The quality of most Frith photos is so good they can be enlarged to create wall sized enlargements. Choose a photo from your local area to create your own unique photo wallpaper mural.

Francis Frith Collection wallpaper mural

Search The Archive Tips

  • In the search form at the top of the page, you can enter a location, a subject (e.g. "train") or both. Results are displayed grouped by type including locations, photos, maps, memories or books.
  • The Archive uses the county listings as defined in 1974, because this fits better with the classification of historic material. However, if you would prefer to view the modern-day equivalent county names you can switch between the two using the “Show Modern Counties/ Show Historic Counties” button at the bottom of the search page.


Francis Frith Collection search

Found Your Perfect Image?

Make a note of the Photo Ref for your chosen image.

In our example for view of "Huntingdon, High Street 1950" the Photo Ref is H136002

FREE MURAL REPORT - Use our Francis Frith Image Enquiry Form and send us the Photo Ref and details of your wallpaper mural project.

We will download your chosen image from the Francis Frith Collection and one of our skilled print technicians will evaluate the stock image file at the wall size you specified.

We will then email you back a free report on your image file's suitability to print at that size and answer any questions you may have about your custom printed wallpaper.

Francis Frith Collection - Mural Enquiry

Francis Frith photo reference
Francis Frith historical photo wall mural
Francis Frith historical town mural

For more information or advice on wallpaper murals please call Jo Burr - 0117 952 6067 or Gemma Malenoir 0117 203 4338